It can be difficult whilst at uni to begin thinking about the world of work. And similarly, it can be hard to make ends meet financially. Picking up some freelance work can be a way to kill two birds with one stone – you can begin to make connections within your chosen career field and make a bit of money on the side. Here are some tips on how to get into freelancing.

Begin With A Profile
Having a place online where you can link existing work and achievements is a really great way to build a portfolio online. This can then be used as a way of reaching out to potential clients and thus get more work.
Have Your Cover Letter Ready
It’s a good idea to have the bare bones of a cover letter written up, which can be edited to fit different positions or companies. This can save time, and therefore make you able to cast a wider net in terms of looking for clients. It’s important not to sell yourself short in your cover letter, but they’re better kept shorter, so make sure it’s densely packed with information and achievements.
Prepare For Initial Low Rates
In order to build up a portfolio, it can sometimes be necessary to accept a lower rate that you would like. This is why beginning freelancing whilst at uni is a good idea – you can build up your contacts without relying so heavily on your paycheck. However, after you’ve worked for a while, remember to keep cognisant of what counts as a reasonable fee.
Reach Out Often
A huge part of the initial freelancing game is reaching out to people. If you have a spare few minutes, fire off some emails. Look into companies you’re interested in freelancing for and try to connect on LinkedIn. See who commissions freelancers in your fields and follow them on Twitter. There will be work out there for you – it’s just a question of finding it.
Use What You Have
Think about any potential connections you have to the industry – no matter how tenuous. With freelance, a lot of work is assigned before it’s even advertised, so getting even the smallest of footholds is key.
Put Yourself Out There
As freelancing grows, there are a lot of websites built to link people with projects. You should aim to join as many as you can because getting your name out into the industry is seminal. People Per Hour, Upwork, Reed and Indeed are all good places to start out.
Annie Walton Doyle writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in finding candidates their perfect internship. To browse our graduate jobs London listings, visit our website.