Are you studying at college or university and looking to save money? Sometimes it does get really difficult as a student, with tuition fees, rent and shopping costs always on the rise. But there are ways of saving money which will put less pressure on you financially, and we would like to share them with you. So let's go through some tips that can be used to save money every day!
Make dinners from scratch
You might not think it but it is cheaper to make homemade dinners rather than buying frozen food and it’s much much healthier. You should invest in some plastic containers, so that you can take your homemade food to work or to university if you have to study in the library. Another option, if you share an apartment, could be to split the cost of buying food with your housemates. You might be buying too much yourself anyway and you shouldn’t waste your money.
Buy a bicycle
Instead of using public transportation, you could buy a bike. Let’s say you are currently spending €50 per month on a bus ticket, you could buy a bike for that price which you don’t have to pay again in the next month. You will also be able to keep fit and do your part to save the environment. Of course, the weather in Ireland isn’t exactly tropical. It rains a lot, so you should also buy some waterproof biking gear to wear over your normal clothes. I know it sounds like such a hassle, but again you’ll still save loads of money, as it’s just a one-off payment.
Subscribe to your campus gym
Are you a member of a gym that seems to be a bit too pricey? Then why not check out some deals of your campus gym? Chances are, if you’re just keeping fit and are only using machines, you might not necessarily need to go to a huge gym full of free weights and bodybuilders. Normally, campus gyms are substantially cheaper and just as good if you’re just keeping fit.
Quit Smoking and Binge Drinking
Have you ever woke up in the morning dreading having to look at your bank balance? Sure we’ve all been there a few times, but after the 55th time, maybe it’s time to rethink how you spend your weekends. The same with smoking. It’s bad for you and it costs a fortune.
Get a student card
If you get a student card then you can go to shops that offer student discounts, which will save you a ton of money. That includes the cost of food, clothes, gym, cinema, museums and much much more.
Don’t misuse your student loan
If you’re eligible for a student loan, don’t buy things that are unrelated to your personal growth, studies and other necessities. This means that you don’t need to pay back money for things you won’t even benefit from later on. Perhaps it would be better keeping your loans for when you go on exchange or do a work placement abroad.
Split costs with your housemates
If you’re living in a shared apartment with other students, you should consider splitting the costs of as many things as possible. You’re already splitting the rent with them, why not split even more costs? This could include getting rid of the internet service on your phone and getting wifi in the house. Likewise, you can also do it for Netflix and Sky.
We hope that this article will help you save money and if you have any ideas to share with other students then please be sure to leave a comment below.
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